We are now operating a pre-order and easy contact-free collection system for those that wish to use it.

Simply phone the shop, place your order and collect the following day. We can take payment over the phone and can meet you in the car park with your shopping. If you wish to come in and browse we are still open, business as usual, but are kindly asking our customers to abide by social distancing guidelines.
Below is a list of the individual items we are currently able to provide:

- Beef. The beef comes from our Sussex cattle known for their marbled meat and outstanding flavour. All the beef is hung for three to four weeks to tenderize it and mature the flavour further.
There is a full range of top quality beef available from joints on or off the bone, succulent steaks, braising and stewing beef down to mince.
All meat is butchered on the premises and can be cut to your requirements by our team of butchers. - Lamb. The lamb comes from our Southdown sheep. Renowned for its fine grain and delicious flavour our lamb is very popular, especially in the Spring. Leg of lamb and shoulder, cutlets, loin and chump chops, best end of neck, neck fillet, stuffed breast and stewing lamb. Available on or off the bone, cut to your requirements.
- Pork, sausages and bacon. The pork comes from our own pedigree Welsh pigs. We have a full range of joints, chops and homemade sausages. The sausages are made to many standard recipes and our own special recipes to suit every taste. Our bacon and hams are sweet cured on the premises to produce an outstanding flavour and texture.
- Chicken. The only meat in the shop that is not reared on our farm is the chicken. This is sourced locally in East Sussex. The birds are reared naturally in daylight with an additive free diet to produce a top quality table bird.
- Pies. All the pies are made in the shop, there is a wide range of delicious pies in several sizes. New recipes are added to the range regularly.
- Ready meals, there is a range many delicious meals of all sizes, chicken curry, beef stroganoff, shepherds pie, Chilli con carni, Lamb Tangine, Pork Goulash are just a few.
Other farm produce
- Vegetables, fruit and store cupboard. We have a selection of fresh vegetables, seasonal fruit and store cupboard items to compliment your meat and deli purchases so that you can buy everything you need for a meal or feeding your family in one trip.
- Cakes made in the shop are available whole or by the slice.
- Locally grown Asparagus and sweetcorn when in season.
- Bread and milk. We have a supply of delicious fresh artisan Burt’s bakery bread which is baked in Seaford, as well as fresh milk, cream, Sussex butter and cheese.
- Honey. The honey is from local bees. It is hugely popular with local people as well as visitors passing through the village. Supply from the bees varies enormously from year to year depending upon the weather. Our own honey always carries ‘direct from the producer’ and ‘Offham honey’ labels. When the supply is exhausted we source it from other local producers.
- Eggs. Our eggs are so fresh, laid by our very happy hens. Their diet is all homegrown so the taste is outstanding. Our own tangy lemon curd made with these eggs doesn’t stay on the shelf very long. When the our hens stop producing we source eggs from other local farms. When demand outstrips production, we source from other local free range farms.
- Drinks. Our drinks fridge stocks a full selection of popular drinks. Tea, coffee and hot chocolate are also available to drink in our cafe area or to take away.